Sunday, November 7, 2010

posting of pics

pasting of pics

1 comment:

  1. There are so many blankets ready to purchase I just have to find the right order and display. I feel each blanket is a work of art. I love each one but I can be over critical. My daughter Sarah wants to keep everyone of them but i had her pick a new blanket that would last her till she turns 6. Sarah laid each one out tide them around her neck and ran down the hallway. she folded each one and put them in the box and tried out the next.
    Sarah said," it has to be her best friend, something to brighten her day, hold her hand pretend with her and comfort her when she goes to sleep. It cant be too light but not too heavy. Blankie has to match her outfits and her stroller. Blankie cant be offended if it gets spilled on with chocolate milk or sticky cranberries and enjoys taking a bath(wash and dry) and smell good all the time. "
    So as I choose the blankets for their debut, I have to make sure they are going to be ready for their debut.
